All events not created by the Outreach Ministry must be approved for churchwide distribution. To have your event considered, please follow the 4321 protocol.
Event 4321 protocol:
4 weeks before event date: Event info should be given to admin for approval. Please include the WHAT (general info) and WHY (purpose) of the event. Approval may include dissemination by way of LIVE Sunday service announcements, pre-service slideshow, Social Media, FLCC website or those listed below. Approval for event will be given within 24-48 hours. **It is very important to FLCC that events echo the GLU statement. Our outreach team works hard to keep everyone connected without overwhelming our calendars.
3 weeks out: Once approved, event information can be distributed through any of the means of dissemination listed below. If you need items printed, please email Jennifer no later than Thursday. **NOTE: This does not mean your event has been approved for LIVE Announcements.
2 weeks out: Any updated or new event information should be given asap. There should be a continuation of the dissemination that began the prior week. **NOTE: This does not mean your event has been approved for LIVE Announcements.
1 week out: Continue dissemination that began the prior week(s). If LIVE Announcement was approved, please consider submitting text copy and any media/photos. If you are not comfortable wording the announcement or providing media/photos, please let admin know by Thursday.
7 ways to get your approved event info to people:
- Personal handouts
- Personal phone calls
- Personal invitations
- Text
- Social Media
- Bulletin Inserts
LIVE on Sunday mornings
Not all events will qualify for a LIVE Sunday service announcement. We try to limit these to events that are considered ALL-PLAY; Where the majority of the church population would be able to participate, missions or community outreach, as well as events known for producing spiritual growth.
Examples of ALL-PLAY events: Life Groups
Family Camp
Church wide mission trips
Beautifying the school we meet in
Men’s or Women’s Retreats
Youth Camp
Ministry specific fundraisers may be announced LIVE at discretion of Pastoral Staff, but should focus on the other 7 means of dissemination upon approval of event.
All bulletin inserts and/or promotional flyers/posters designed for an event must be given to admin for approval. They will ensure that the quality is high and the content is correct. If you do not have a natural gifting in graphic design, please let them know, they’d be happy to assist you!
These items should be turned in no later than 4 weeks before they are to be printed & distributed.
If you design your own work, you must have another person in your ministry proof it before you send it to admin. Approval is necessary to insure size and pixels of pictures are high quality, wording & spelling are correct & colors are complimentary to event and FLCC branding.